Partonomy list P4, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

iris (pair)

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Top level nervous system
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Current level iris (pair)
Subsidiary language with Latin English French Spanish Russian
Non Latin primary language English French Spanish Russian
Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
58235 34994 6932
iris (pair)
iris (par)
58507 34998 6933
pupillary margin (pair)
margo pupillaris (par)
58508 35001 6934
ciliary margin (pair)
margo ciliaris (par)
58491 35004 6935
anterior surface (pair)
facies anterior (par)
30210 7742
pupillary zone (pair)
zona pupillaris (par)
30213 7758
pupillary crypt (pair)
crypta pupillae (par)
30216 7488
collarette (pair)
catella (par)
30219 7489
ciliary zone (pair)
zona ciliaris (par)
30222 7490
crypt of iris (pair)
crypta iridis (par)
58492 35007 6936
posterior surface (pair)
facies posterior (par)
58113 35010 6937
greater ring of iris (pair) ; outer border of iris (pair)
anulus iridis major (par)
58328 35013 6938
inner ring of iris (pair) ; inner border of iris (pair)
anulus iridis minor (par)
58513 35016 6939
folds of iris (pair)
plicae iridis (par)
27720 7491
circular folds of iris (pair)
plicae circulares iridis (par)
25582 7492
radial folds of iris (pair)
plicae radiales iridis (par)
58252 35019 6940
pupil (pair)
pupilla (par)
77663 35022 6948
(pupillary membrane (pair) )
(membrana pupillaris (par) )
30166 7755
layers of iris (pair)
laminae iridis (par)
30169 7493
anterior limiting layer of iris (pair)
stratum limitans anterius iridis (par)
30173 7494
melanocytes of iris (pair)
melanocyti iridis (par)
58526 35025 6943
stroma of iris (pair) ; iris stroma (pair)
stroma iridis (par)
30176 7495
anterior nonvascular layer of iris (pair)
stratum anterius nonvasculosum iridicum (par)
49157 35028 6941
sphincter pupillae muscle (pair) ; sphincter pupillae (pair); ERR1
musculus sphincter pupillae (par) ; sphincter pupillae (par)
30179 7496
posterior vascular layer of iris (pair)
stratum posterius vasculosum iridicum (par)
58529 6946 6946
major arterial circle of iris
circulus arteriosus major iridis
58581 6947 6947
(minor arterial circle of iris )
(circulus arteriosus minor iridis )
30183 7507
clump cells (pair)
cellulae congregatae (par)
30187 7508
epithelia of iris (pair)
epithelia iridica (par)
30190 7509
nonpigmented epithelium of iris (pair)
epithelium nonpigmentosum iridis (par)
49158 35037 6942
dilator pupillae muscle (pair) ; dilator pupillae (pair); ERR1
musculus dilatator pupillae (par) ; dilatator pupillae (par)
30194 7522
myoepithelial cells of iris (pair)
myoepitheliocyti iridici (par)
58517 35040 6944
pigmented epithelium of iris (pair)
epithelium pigmentosum iridis (par)
30198 7523
pigmented cells of iris (pair)
pigmentocyti iridis (par)
33 lines
87.3 %
93.9 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The Facies anterior of the iris has been subdivided into a Zona pupillaris and a Zona ciliaris, separated by the Catella or collarette (based on Geneser F 1986 Textbook of Histology. Munksgaard, Copenhagen).
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 6932
Invalid check Found children: 94
Number of units 33 (validated)
Invalid signature 5449 (stored value 5289)
Date: 10.09.2021